How do I find a journal article written by one of Centenary's faculty members?


View a list of Centenary faculty, by department, on this page: 
If you are interested to find articles in the sciences, for example, click to view the Science Department faculty. Some may list their publications on their profile page.

Once you've selected a professor, run a search in Cyclone Search, our library's discovery database, for their name as author - in the advanced search box, use the Author search index (3rd box).

You could also try searching in Pubmed and/or ProQuest or Google Scholar. If the professor that you've chosen has Dr. in front of their name, they have likely published a dissertation that can be found in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database.

The Library maintains a small collection of Faculty Publications, available at the front desk. These consist of books, audiovisual materials, and some printed/photocopied articles. This collection is not comprehensive, nor fully up-to-date. 

  • Last Updated Nov 20, 2024
  • Views 140
  • Answered By Amy Hayes

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