Why can't I access full text articles in Ebsco databases (using the new interface)?


Not to worry, you still can access full text articles! Here's the scoop...

Some users have reported having issues with accessing full text once they've logged in and done searches in the new interface of EBSCO databases.

  • EBSCO recommends that if you are unable to open full text articles, you should clear your browser's cache and cookies, and then access again.

If clearing your cache / cookies doesn't resolve the problem, this is what to do:

For EBSCO databases like Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, Education Source, PsycARTICLES and SocINDEX, use the EBSCO 'Classic' interface.

  • Go to the Databases A-Z page, find your database and use the link below the primary link for that database. This alternate link will take you to the EBSCO 'Classic' interface for that database.

You can also try clicking directly on the full text option from the results list, rather than clicking on the article title. If you still have trouble, please reach out to a library staff member. 

  • Last Updated Aug 13, 2024
  • Views 156
  • Answered By Amy Hayes

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