Why can't I access full text articles in Ebsco databases (using the new interface)?


Not to worry, you still can access full text articles! Here's the scoop...

During our beta-testing period (2023-2024) with the new Ebsco search interface, some users reported having issues with accessing full text. It has not been a problem during the last year, but we are leaving up this FAQ, just in case anyone experiences something like this.

  • EBSCO recommends that if you are unable to open full text articles, you should clear your browser's cache and cookies, and then access again.

If clearing your cache / cookies doesn't resolve the problem:

  • Try clicking directly on the full text option from the results list, rather than clicking on the article title. 
  • If you still have trouble, please reach out to a library staff member. 
  • Last Updated Mar 24, 2025
  • Views 168
  • Answered By Amy Hayes

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